fredag 8. februar 2008

Tanker ei kveldstund.....

Som 5-barns mor har jeg erfart at "ungene"flyr litt til og fra i ungdomstida,de flytter ut og etter ei stund flytter de hjem igjen.
Til slutt kommer tidspunktet for å fly ut for godt,og jeg syns teksten "Soon you'll fly" beskriver alle mine tanker.Av våre 5 bor bare den minste hjemme,en har ennå 4 mnd igjen i USA og 3 har skapt sine egne hjem.Snart blir det vel bare vi to "gamlingene" igjen her hjemme.Slik er livet:)


Lyrics & Music: Karen Taylor Good / Åge Aleksandersen

You think you have the strength of an eagle
and all the wisdom that the wise old owl has learned.

But what's true, my child,
beautiful and wild,
you are really just a tiny baby bird.

Soon you'll fly.
Soon you'll fly.
I'll be here
watching on the ground.

Soon you'll fly.
Oh, how you'll fly.
I'll be sad
and alone and proud.

I have always known this day was coming,
I have always known you'll leave the nest.

Have I thought you all I should,
was my teaching any good?
And can I honestly say
I've done my best?

Soon you'll fly.
Soon you'll fly.
I'll be here
watching on the ground.

Soon you'll fly.
Oh, how you'll fly.
I'll be sad
and alone and proud.

You must travel far.
You must travel fast.
You must travel alone.

In my heart I will
always be with you,
though my babybird has flown.

Soon you'll fly.
Soon you'll fly.
I'll be here
watching on the ground.

Soon you'll fly.
Oh, how you'll fly.
I'll be sad
and alone and proud.

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